Oh man, this season is killing me. Another episode filled with a few nonsensical moves, however, another episode that was pretty awesome to watch. One note about the reward challenge: I really like those rewards. More often than not, Survivor takes place in poor areas, and CBS makes millions […]
Trish Hegarty
Is this becoming the Spencer and Tony show or what? Don’t get me wrong, this is not a criticism, those two are golden. They are exactly what you want a Survivor contestant to be: a big character as well as a serious player, one who’s not there just to […]
Another solid episode, with one major annoying thing: the “super idol” (aka Tyler Perry Idol for some reason). It’s way too powerful, it was too powerful back in the days of Panama and the Cook Islands, it’s still too powerful. Even more so, I’m tempted to say as back […]
Ok, I don’t have much time for this week’s analysis (sorry I can’t do a better job this season, let’s hope future ones go better), so let’s get it started: Sollarion – Jefra Bland: OK, now that’s a fact, she is this season’s invisible and mute person. […]
Another week with not so stellar moves, however, another episode that was utterly enjoyable (despite being spoiled briefly before seeing it). What’s up with this season? Usually bad moves are met with lots of criticism and scorn from me, but this season, not only they don’t make the season […]
And I’m finally back after a hiatus of two episodes. That was too long, wasn’t it? Sorry about that, two weeks ago, I was just too busy, last week, I was traveling to Kyoto for a few days (I could see the episode, just not blog). Time to get […]
Is that just me or would “dumb and dumber” have been a better title for this episode? And I’m not only talking about the Beauties tribe here. Let’s see into more detail. Aparri (Brawns) – Cliff Robinson: He doesn’t know it yet, but he got really lucky. Lucky […]
OK, I don’t have much to say about the episode in general, except for the typhoon part: wow… and I assume it won’t be the last, if I remember correctly several typhoons went over the area during the filming period – which made me realize that Cagayan is the […]
And here we go for a brand new season of Survivor. First a disclaimer: while I’m sure I’ll watch this season religiously as every season, I’m pretty busy these days, and I’m not exactly sure if I’ll be able to blog weekly about the show, or at least if […]