Ah… It has to happen. Last week, as feared, I could write: my parents are visiting so we travelled a little. Add to that the fact that my newborn doesn’t understand yet the concept of being awake during the day and sleeping at night. And the result was that, […]
Monica Padilla
Wow, can you believe it, this is a second week in a row when I can watch Survivor live! I think that hadn’t happened in… probably in 10 years, since I last lived in the US. However, my streak may end there as my parents are visiting next week, […]
First, something very rare happened; I got to see the episode live. That hadn’t happened in years (since South Pacific? No, I can’t believe it’s been that long… Blood Vs Water maybe?) Also, it was the first time I saw the show in HD and wow… what a difference […]
And here we go, Survivor Season 31: Cambodia – Second Chance is underway, and I’m as excited as every other Survivor fan for what could be the best season of Survivor. Every All-Star season is exciting, but for some reason, this one is even more. For starters it doesn’t […]
Those really are exciting times for Survivor fans. Last Spring (and soon again next month I assume), I’ve never seen fans and contestants alike being so excited about the show. I did vote every day, I spent way too much time on Reddit reading and discussing the potential contestants. […]
So you may all know by now that the cast of Survivor 31 will be selected by fan votes. Well, semi-selected at least, as it’s already been pre-selected and narrowed down to 32 potential players. Before we get into what I think of each player, a few random thoughts: […]