I don’t know about you, but I have the feeling that this season of Survivor has finally started after five episodes of embarrassing people and events on a beach. Now, that there’s only one troll on the island (there’s still one though) the editors have finally started to […]
Matt Bischoff
This episode was hard to watch. It was quite emotionally draining (sure nothing of the proportions of what the Bikal tribe went through, but much more than watching Survivor should be) and not satisfying at all (no Probst, if you ever read this, that was not good TV, […]
The day started very well. I had the day off, and on my side of the planet, Survivor is at 10am, so I got to see it live (as well as the Know-it-alls podcast) for the first time in years. Then, it all went downhill from there. I […]
Like every old time fan of the show, I’ve had my issues with it. First the constant returning players (although last season showed me that it was possible to have a good season despite of that), but lately, my main issue has really been the editing. It makes […]
My problem with Survivor in recent seasons has really been editing. It’s becoming more and more obvious, with irrelevant people being more or less invisible, with misdirections being so obvious that they become directions and such. Case in point this episode, before the challenge, the fact that we saw the […]
And here we are, the first analysis of the first episode of the 26th season. Very interesting episode, which starts very fast on the Favorites side as expected (I don’t remember if it started as fast back in Micronesia). Also I was surprised that I found the Fans […]
As much as I am excited for this season that is about to begin (today in the US, right? I’m losing track with the time difference thing, it’s gonna be tomorrow for me), I couldn’t find myself caring for the new players yet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m […]