Last winter, when a new coronavirus started to spread in Asia, and later in the world, my Chinese and Hong Konger friends and acquaintances quickly implored me to wear a surgical mask. I was a bit confused about their insistence. I didn’t know nor care much about masks, but the […]
I like week 9’s prompt of Inktober 52: Wave. As usual, I decided to draw one of the first things that came to mind, and here is the result: A few comments. You’ve all recognized Hokusai’s “Wave off Kanagawa“. The process of learning how to draw includes copying […]
Today’s Inktober drawing could be better, could be more detailed, but I simply didn’t have time, and as the week-end is coming I don’t want to fall too much behind again (unlikely I’ll draw anything for the next two days). I thought about something Tasty. I drew something tasty; a […]
Ok, yesterday’s drawing for Inktober was a bit of a disappointment (I started with high hopes, I had a sketch that I thought was promising, but the final result wasn’t that good), I couldn’t disappoint anyone today, especially not myself. The prompt is Dragon, and just like every at least […]
Today’s prompt for Inktober 2019 is Husky. I always find polysemic prompts quite interesting (although, they don’t always translate well in foreign languages as I can see from friends and acquaintances who use French or Japanese official lists). I like how people come up with more diverse drawings than with […]
Wow, this blog has been very quiet this year. First of all, sorry about that. The reason is that this year the Setouchi Triennale 2019 is taking place in my corner of the world, and I’ve been very busy with it, and I simply don’t have the time to manage […]
Yeah, I know, the blog is quiet. And it will remain this way for a while. These days, I’m quite busy with my sites devoted to Japan. You can check the one in English there: Setouchi Explorer This year, the Setouchi Triennale is taking place and I’m quite busy with […]
I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year 2019! If you’re not sure about the drawing, here in Japan, 2019 is the year of the Wild Boar. And this is what I hope happens in France this coming year. 🙂 (the drawing was made by a Japanese […]
Isn’t there a “white rabbit” prompt for Inktober 2018? It’d be convenient. So, yes, it’s official, I’m many days late now. The end should be tomorrow, but I may take the rest of the week to finish or even some of next week. Oh well. So today, we have […]
Day 23’s prompt of Inktober is Muddy. It inspired me a little more than the previous day’s (or the next one), but as I’m now a few days behind, I had to rush to finish the drawing so that I could post it before the end of the day. […]