It’s been a pretty busy day for me, and it’s getting pretty late on my side of the planet as I type those lines, so please excuse me in advance is this post is less than stellar (and full of typos). But enough finding excuses, let’s get into the […]
Carter Williams
Oh Survivor Philippines I love you. Even this episode that was supposed to be predictable and boring (Abi-Maria is out after throwing a few more temper tantrums) was not and reserved us a few surprises. What was not a surprise after a few seconds into the episode was […]
After a couple of crazy episodes, it made sense that things woud be quieter this episode, but quieter doesn’t mean quiet and even if Pete’s eviction was obvious this week, we managed to still have an interesting episode. And little by little, the end approaches. I predict a […]
I’m taking the risk of repeating myself, but another great episode. When you look at it, it doesn’t seem that hard to have a good season. Just cast some very likable people, some very unlikable people and as many people as possible who are there to win the game, […]
What a great episode. I’m sure you’ve already read it elsewhere, but that’s not a reason to say it again here: that was one of the best episodes in recent memory. That tribal council reminded me of some of the crazy tribal councils from Heroes Vs Villains. I don’t […]
There are two types of merge episodes. The boring ones, where everyone sticks to their alliance and usually that means a pagonging is about to happen. And the exciting ones where betrayals happen and lead to quite good ends of season. This one was obviously a very exciting one […]
What continues to seem like a solid season keeps on unfolding nicely before our eyes. Even a somewhat predictable episode (except for the challenge deal) was very enjoyable to watch. So, the challenge deal. Who “won” the deal? Nobody seemed happy about it (even though everyone rolled with it), […]
Sorry, sorry, I’m late for this Survivor analysis. I hope you can forgive me, but I was taking a few days of vacation on a (not exactly) deserted island (if you care about my life when I’m not obsessing about Survivor, got check out my other blog: Ogijima). I’m […]
So far I love this season. Another solid episode even if nothing very exceptionnal happens, it continues to set things up for the remainder of the season. I have faith that it indeed is going to be an awesome season. Kalabaw – Carter Williams: He […]
Is that just me or does the season seem to be full on in only three episodes? Good, isn’t it? One thing before we start. This is a message to CBS. Seriously CBS, stop it with your “you should now use this hashtag on Twitter.” This is one […]