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Build (Inktober 2019 – Day Five)

For this fifth day of Inktober 2019, the keyword is “build” and it didn’t take long to find what to draw.

Lego blocks of course!

What took longer was to actually manage to draw them properly. Who would have thought that drawing rectangles and ovals was going to be so challenging?

That’s the thing when you start drawing geometrical shapes this way, you kinda want to be accurate. So I started using a ruler, measuring proportions, being careful with perspective lines and such, and… I couldn’t get anywhere!

The most challenging part was the studs, I just couldn’t get them right.

Here are two examples of my failed attempts:

After a while the whole process started to become quite stressful. And remember, I’m doing this whole Inktober thing, first to try getting better at drawing, but also as a way to relax, so I will not get stressed or tense by a drawing.

Almost ready to change what I’d draw (a homage to Pink Floyd’s Wall was my second option), I made one last attempt, trying to keep it simple.

Here it is. It’s not perfect, far from it, but I guess it’s acceptable.



No colors this time, after all the trouble drawing, I had a bad feeling about adding colors. Also, I think I like it better when colors only come once in the while during this Inktober thing.



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